Shсheglova L.V., Borisova Yu.V. The Role of Esoterics in Modern Scientific Cognition

Shсheglova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Doctor of Philosofic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
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Prosp. Lenina, 27, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Borisova Yuliya Viktorovna
Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Technical University
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Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of interaction of esoterics and science in modern culture. It is shown that the esoteric tradition is spreading its influence in the field of scientific cognition. It relates to the post-modern project of culture deconstruction as integrity, as well as to the growth of pseudo-scientific eclectical doctrines. In the authors' opinion, the correlation of science and esoterism consists in the use of the same concepts for explaining sociocultural phenomena. Among the reasons of the esoteric tradition spreading in science, the authors refer to the process of irregular expansion of scientific knowledge and its differentiation. It is stated that this process is connected with the general methodological crisis of classical rationality in culture. Non-classical rationality is defined by the authors as holism (wholism) that is viewed as the world outlook paradigm of the up-to-date culture. Holistic way of thinking is typical to the modern esoteric knowledge directed at syncretic world perception that is closely connected with holism in esoterical theory. Holism aims to cognize the reality basing not on the one fundamental principle, but represents it by several mental concepts not referring to the reality. The modern scientific knowledge is also exposed to the tendencies of the holistic cognition.
While investigating the specifics of holistic thinking, the authors educe that in spite of science and esoterism convergence process in modern culture, these types of knowledge are not to be studied as the identical ones. The esoteric thinking unlike the scientific one is not rational; it uses the unconscious and the imagination of the human being. The authors conclude that esoterism appears as the scientific knowledge, because it exploits the language of science as a means of legitimization of its ideas and views.

Key words: esoterism, science, cognition, culture, deconstruction.

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The Role of Esoterics in Modern Scientific Cognition by Shсheglova L.V., Borisova Yu.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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