Borodina A.V., Vasilieva E.N., Lavrenyuk N.M., Poltavskaya M.B. Intellectual Social Entrepreneurship: Prospects for the Formation of the Ecosystem

Angelina V. Borodina
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Work with Youth, Bashkir State University
K. Marksa St, 3/4, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation
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Ekaterina N. Vasilieva
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies, Volgograd State University,
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Natalya M. Lavrenyuk
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Work with Youth, Bashkir State University
K. Marksa St, 3/4, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation; Senior Researcher, Center for the Study of Social Development and Human Capital Formation, Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Kirova St, 15, 450008 Ufa, Russian Federation
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Mariya B. Poltavskaya
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Technologies, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The development of social entrepreneurship is associated in general with the intellectualization of social activity and in particular with the growth of entrepreneurship as a characteristic of social active life position. The article substantiates the possibility of identifying intellectual social entrepreneurship as one of the directions of its development. The term "intellectual social entrepreneurship" is constructed on the principle of transportability – comparability with intellectual entrepreneurship. Social intelligence and social entrepreneurship have a heuristic meaning for describing the intellectual component of social entrepreneurship. There is a change in the interpretation of social entrepreneurship in modern concepts that are highlighted as key points: the creative abilities of social entrepreneurs, the connection of human capital and social entrepreneurship, the mutual influence of the institutional environment and social entrepreneurship. As a theoretical and methodological basis for studying the intellectual component of social entrepreneurship, the following theories are proposed theories of Spencer G. (actor activity as a result of evolution); Simmel G. (intellectualization as a result of activity through contemplation); Weber М. (consciousness of rational-purposeful action); Mead G (the presence of the actor the subject-object qualities); Schumpeter J. (intellectual content of labor as the basis of entrepreneurial activity); Bourdieu P. (the influence of symbolic capital on the reproducing of economic practices); Becker G. (investments in human capital); Zaslavskaya T. (achieving the goal through your own initiative); Etzkowitz H. and Leydesdorff L. (the triple helix model of innovation). An overview of empirical studies of social entrepreneurship is made. Two directions of intellectual entrepreneurship research are identified and described. They are the warsaw school that puts the focus on the entrepreneur doing business (Kwiatkowski C and Panzhinskiy T); the texas school that focuses on a scientist, an academic figure, believing entrepreneurship to be not a business, but rather an attitude towards mastering the world, a process of cultural innovation (Cherwitz R, Beckman G; Hartelius E; Sullivan S). E. Testi's concept of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem is reviewed. The article describes the trends of state, public and private support for social entrepreneurship in modern Russia. It is noted that social entrepreneurship has the potential for development in the presence of infrastructure support that contributes to the formation of an ecosystem. It is concluded that social intellectual entrepreneurship is aimed at creating and distributing intellectual goods that have social novelty and value. Further study of the intellectual component of social entrepreneurship is associated with the development of its infrastructure development, analysis of effective tools for building social entrepreneurship ecosystems abroad and assessment of the possibilities of their application in Russia.

Key words: social entrepreneurship, intellectual social entrepreneurship, innovative activity, social innovations, intellectual property, ecosystem.

Intellectual Social Entrepreneurship: Prospects for the Formation of the Ecosystem by Borodina A.V., Vasilieva E.N., Lavrenyuk N.M., Poltavskaya M.B. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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