Rozhkova L.V., Dubina A.Sh. Family and Education in the Structure of Life Values of Young People of the Republic of Crimea

Liliya V. Rozhkova
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Head of the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations, Penza State University
Krasnaya St, 40, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation
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Albina Sh. Dubina
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and International Relations, Penza State University
Krasnaya St, 40, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation
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Annotation. The relevance of the study of the value orientations of the young generation of Crimea is of considerable interest due to the low level of knowledge on the part of Russian scientists and due to the need to analyze trends in the basic values of young Crimeans, including in connection with the entry of Crimea into the Russian socio-cultural space. The basic values of the Crimean youth and the value space of young Russians have similar configurations, which are based on family and communication. The authors' interest is focused on the problem of family values and the values of youth education. Family values make up the framework of basic values of young people. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built in the family, traditions and life experience are passed on. The study of family values of young people is an urgent task in the context of ongoing socio-economic changes in Russian society, the transformation of family values of modern youth. The article deals with family values, family traditions, and attitudes to marriage of modern Crimean youth. Education is the key to successful employment, income growth, and cultural development. According to the author's research in the structure of life values of Crimean youth, education is only on the fifth line of priorities. Family values, health values, material benefits, and the content side of labour top the list of priority life values. Respondents noted that the availability of abilities and their own efforts are the main condition for obtaining a decent level of education. The vast majority of young Crimeans plan to continue their education or engage in self-education. The research results indicate the importance of modernizing institutional conditions for the formation of the educational potential of modern Crimean youth. The empirical base consists of materials obtained as a result of a secondary analysis of data from the sociological study "social potential of youth" (Republic of Crimea, 2018; n = 400).
Key word: values, value orientations, family, education, youth.

Family and Education in the Structure of Life Values of Young People of the Republic of Crimea by Rozhkova L.V., Dubina A.Sh. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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