Zuyeva O.V., Khomutova N.N. Public Control as Mechanism of Effective Management Realized by Internal Affairs Bodies

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2020.1.10
Olga V. Zuyeva
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of State Administration, Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia
Zoya and Alexandra Kosmodemyanskikh St, 8, 125171 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Natalya N. Khomutova
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Economics and Law, North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
Prosp. Piskaryevsky, 47, 195067 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
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Abstract. One of the effective mechanisms of internal affairs bodies' managing is said to be public control on the police activity. An analysis of the police activity which, in its turn, is characterized by mistrust and low satisfaction with activity of law enforcement officials proves the necessity to find effective ways to improve such situation. The authors of the given article consider that there are enough mechanisms to manage in the internal affairs bodies but not all of them are effectively applied. It is public control that is of great importance as it allows citizens to analyze, evaluate the activity of police officers as well asto identify issues require to be solved at once both by the public and the heads of the internal affairs bodies. The study of the legal basis allows the researcher to consider that at present there are all the formal conditions to perform public control. However, this is not enough. In fact there isanothersituation. On the one hand, we can see formal approach of the heads of the territorial internal affairs bodies to perform public control as a mechanism toimprove the police activity; on the other hand, there is low self-organization of the population expressed in poor legal literacy and social activity as well as underdeveloped forms of civil participation in public life. Based on the results of the regional sociological studies the authors of the article conclude that it is necessary to intensify cooperation with the public on informing about the possibilities to perform public control on the police as well as developing a system of indicators to evaluate the activity of public councils and publicmonitoring committee that perform public control to increase the efficiency of their activities, about necessity to provide responsibility of the heads of the territorial internal affairs bodies for ignoring sociological information to have been received. The article deals with not only a critical assessment of the police's interacting with the population, but also new approaches related to usage of public control as an effective mechanism to manageby the internal affairs bodies, which helps increasing citizens' trust in police officers.
Key words: public control, public opinion, Public Council, Public Chamber, internal affairs bodies, police, monitoring public opinion.

Public Control as Mechanism of Effective Management Realized by Internal Affairs Bodies by Zuyeva O.V., Khomutova N.N. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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