Pozdyaeva S.M. Modernization in Russia: Obstacles on the Path

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2016.4.14

Svetlana Mikhaylovna Pozdyaeva

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science,

Bashkir State University

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Z. Validi St., 32, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article attempts to identify and analyze the problems of social modernization in Russia. It has been shown that it is based on the intersection of interests of different social actors – social groups, modernizing elite and individuals. A special attention is paid to the analysis of the causes and factors impeding the rapid transformation of social relations. The author shows that the main link of the modernization, the change in the public consciousness– are the main conditions for the successful reformation of society. The author proves that the mass consciousness of contemporary Russian society is undergoing a transformation under the influence of such factors as: the introduction of market economy and market relations; the radical change in the system of socialization; the introduction of a new system of values. The author comes to the conclusion that the enemies of Russia to a modern society are: the lack of a clear market ideology; the confrontation of social groups; disfunction of social institutions; the conflict of the old and new values. It confronts the ruling elite the problem of social choice: development through the modernization or stagnation.

Key words: modernization, transitional society, system of values, consumer society, consumer modernization, actors of modernization, social order, social degradation.

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Modernization in Russia: Obstacles on the Path by Pozdyaeva S.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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