Mayakova A.V. Multiaspect Nature of Philosophical Category of “Quality”


Anna Vasilyevna Mayakova

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Sociology,

Southwest State University

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Abstract. This article discusses and analyzes the current diversity of views on philosophical category of “quality” in different branches of science: philosophy, economics, management, statistics, engineering. The author proposes to consider the category of quality from the point of view of complexity paying particular attention to its philosophical origins. The article analyzes such areas of modern science, as qualitativism, quality control, quantitative approach. The author examines the divergence of the concept of quality in the context of post-nonclassical science.

Key words: philosophy, category of “quality”, quality control, quality management, multiaspect nature, subject, object.

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Multiaspect Nature of Philosophical Category of “Quality” by Mayakova A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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