Baydalova O.V., Bayanova M.B. Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Definition of Social Responsibility of Representatives of Officials as a Professional Group

Baydalova Olga Vasilyevna
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Department of Personnel Management, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
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Prosp. Lenina, 27, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Bayanova Miroslava Batrovna
Chief Expert of Personnel Department, Central Administration of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow
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Koptevskaya St.,63a, 125239 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article gives the definition of methodological and methodical approaches to the study of responsibility concept in the professional activity of officials as representatives of social and professional group. According to M. Veber, the authors point out two kinds of responsibility. Social responsibility is viewed as a way of cooperation between different social subjects – individual and institutional. The article presents the empirical interpretation of data obtained through sociological polls. The responsibility is considered as integral characteristics, different scales of measuring the officials' social responsibility are applied, direct and indirect indexes of responsibility are revealed. The authors demonstrate the connection of corporative ethics with professional responsibility.

Key words: responsibility concept, social group, professional group, variable, index, reputation, official, municipal employee.

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Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Definition of Social Responsibility of Representatives of Officials as a Professional Group by Baydalova O.V., Bayanova M.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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