Khlebnikova O.V. The Problem of Correlation Between Speaking and Writing in Modern Philosophy

Khlebnikova Olga Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Omsk State Transport University
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Prosp. K. Marksa, 35, 644046 Omsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the reflection on the problem of correlation between oral and written speech in modern Western philosophy. In order to ensure the maximum convenience of research process, the author reveals a few important directions – dynamic, semiological, postsemiological, analytical, communicative, hermeneutical and feministic directions. The basis of the proposed classification is the fundamental interpretation of the concept of language, peculiar for each point of view. The article deals with the main theses of mentioned directions. The author makes conclusion that the principal trend of reflecting the issue of correlation between speaking and writing in modern Western philosophy is represented by the intellectual movement from the consideration of writing as a secondary thing versus speaking, to comprehension of writing as an independent phenomenon and fundamental condition of any articulate speech.

Key words: speaking, writing, language, thinking, philosophy.

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The Problem of Correlation Between Speaking and Writing in Modern Philosophy by Khlebnikova O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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