Vakhmenin V.N. The Role of Mass in the Depreciation of Sociocultural Contradictions

Vakhmenin Vasiliy Nikolaevich
Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article investigates the role of mass in social dynamics on the basis of the methodology of sociocultural approach. In modern societies a number of problematic trends and situations, which are defined as a complex of sociocultural contradictions, are observed. Their specific character, as well as the mechanisms that make this complex of sociocultural contradictions a condition for the formation of mass as a social subject, are also determined. The hypothesis is put forward, according to which the formation of mass occurs in attempt to resolve conflicts between the laws of culture and sociality. Changes in the way the "mass" society experiences sociocultural contradictions are analyzed. The author views positive and negative aspects of these changes, the prospects for further sociocultural dynamics, where the participation of the masses is the most important factor.

Key words: mass, sociocultural contradiction, culture, society, sociocultural dynamics, simulation, anomie, social subject.

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The Role of Mass in the Depreciation of Sociocultural Contradictions by Vakhmenin V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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