Chernyak A.A. The Problem of Method: Scientific and Philosophical Approaches

Chernyak Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Postgraduate Student, Department of Ontology and the Theory of Cognition, Ural Federal University
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Abstract. The result of any cognition always depends on the methodology; furthermore, it exists in a sense before any investigation. The result and the way to it are in the unity, varying in the scientific and philosophical context. The essential feature of scientific approach is the tendency to objectify subjects of research which is possible due to the ontological distance between an academician and their work. In contrast, philosophical approach itself is based on the existential experience and there is no way to substitute any theoretical insights for such experience. Therefore, the result as the method of hypostasis arises during its realization. This very circumstance let prevent the vicious circle (when the result precedes the method) which is peculiar for scientific evidence. The actual philosophical method is oriented on comprehension rather than cognition as the former deals with moral and practical aspects of existence rather than epistemological purposes.

Key words: method, research result, cognition, scientific cognition, philosophical cognition, existential and phenomenological method.

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The Problem of Method: Scientific and Philosophical Approaches by Chernyak A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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