Sanakuev N.G. Procedural and Pragmatist Character of Communication

Sanakuev Nikolay Georgievich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences,

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

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Abstract. Subject of study and its topicality. The subject of the study is communication from the aspect of activity in the physical space in the form of exchange of the high-level energy signals. We understand communication as the reciprocal process of recoding the verbal information into non-verbal one. The non-verbal reactions on the message are especially important in the standard communicative act that conditions the necessity to characterize the peculiarities of communication as a social phenomenon in the aspect of communicative process and communicative act more completely. Methods and results of study. Based upon the wide study of the scientific data the general characteristics of communication as the social phenomenon were represented and the existing theoretical approaches to its determination were systematized. Applying the method of analysis and synthesis, its procedural active component was separated and characterized. Conclusions. Communication is not limited only by the exchange of information. Communication is a meeting of “Ego” and “Others”, i.e. those, who participate in the communicative process. Communication acquires the form and content in the communicative processes and is adjusted between “Ego” and “Others”. All participants of communication interact dependently on each other, as well as on the axiological orientations, knowledge, stereotypes, outlook, and perception of reality.

Key words: communication, communicative process, communicative action, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, information exchange, information, interaction.

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Procedural and Pragmatist Character of Communication by Sanakuev N.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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