Uzakova S.A. Sociocultural Capital of the Kazakhs in the Conditions of Social Transformations

Uzakova Salima Andromasovna

Teacher, Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines,

West Kazakhstan Engineering Humanitarian University,

Postgraduate Student, Department of Sociology, Social Anthropology and Social Work,

Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin

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Ikhsanova St., 44/1, 090006 Uralsk, Kazakhstan

Abstract. In the present article the author analyzes the features of sociocultural capital of the Kazakhs as a factor of family values formation in the Kazakhstani society. The author educes that in modern conditions of globalization, the process of transformation in the sphere of traditional cultural, and family values has been going on in Kazakhstan, which, according to the author’s opinion, should be thoroughly controlled by means of elaborated cultural policy. In the given issue the author refers to the theses contained in the draft of the “Conception of cultural policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, which was developed in order to implement the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev to the people of Kazakhstan of January 17, 2014.

Key words: culture, values, family, globalization, transformation.

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Sociocultural Capital of the Kazakhs in the Conditions of Social Transformations by Uzakova S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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