Naumova E.I. The Conception of New Age’s Type of Rationality in H. Arendt’s Philosophy

Naumova Ekaterina Igorevna

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Assistant,

Department of Ontology and Cognition Theory,

Saint Petersburg State University

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Universitetskaya Emb., 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article is devoted to the investigation of H. Arendt’s ideas about the rationality of the new age philosophy. The establishment of totalitarianism in the Arendt’s theory is connected with the development of capitalist society and calculative-rational type of thinking in the new age. The origins of capitalism in the Arendt’s philosophy are related to the idea of the expropriation of the property and elimination of the private space that represent the beginning of the economic expansion deconstructing the fundamental dichotomy “private-public”. The capital’s expansion is the reason of the emerging totalitarian movements, and the moral fascism is the extreme negative mode of their representation. The moral fascism is the irrational manifestation of capitalist type of “rationality” which is expressed in the human incapacity to make independent judgments.

Key words: H. Arendt, totalitarianism, capitalism, rationality, moral fascism, private, public.

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The Conception of New Age’s Type of Rationality in H. Arendt’s Philosophy by Naumova E.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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