Pilipenko Е.A. The Time in M. Heidegger’s Philosophy: Subjectivation of the Objective

Pilipenko Еlena Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree,

Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science,

Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

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Astrakhanskaya St., 83, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The present research is aimed at institutionalizing the ontology of time in the existential  philosophy  of  Martin  Heidegger. The  author  studies  the  existential  time  of  M. Heidegger,  which,  as it is shown,  makes sense only as  something which is immanent  to a person and exists solely due to human feelings. It is stated, that existential subjective time of Heidegger is different from the objective physical time. The main features of existential time are discussed: it is finite, it is anthropic, its temporal modes are inequitable; the future dominates in it; it has no continuity; it is realized only as a discrete event flow. It is shown that subjective time has the main feature of objective time: it is essentially connected with the space. As a result, the author demonstrates that human care, self-projection, the feeling of being through events trnsform  the features  of objective  time and  designate the  properties of  existential, subjective, personal time, as well as the human’s own time of existence.

Key words: ontology of time, existential time, subjective and objective time, temporality, M.  Heidegger.

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The Time in M. Heidegger’s Philosophy: Subjectivation of the Objective by Pilipenko Е.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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