Kiryakin A.V. The Perception of Marxism in the Philosophy of B.N. Chicherin

Kiryakin Aleksandr Viktorovich
Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
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Internatsionalnaya St., 33, 392000 Tambov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper explores the main directions of criticism of Marxism by the Russian philosopher B.N. Chicherin. B. Chicherin criticizes the social and economic Karl Marx's views pushing the principle of freedom as the determinative principle in the substantiation of the conception of human dignity; moreover, he points out that the true freedom leads to social and wealth inequality and the destruction of which entails the destruction of human freedom. Relying on the political economic school of Frederic Bastiat, the Russian philosopher extolled the principle of free trade and believed that the increase in labor productivity should raise a real income of workers. And from this position he refutes the Marx's concept about absolute and relative impoverishment of the workers under capitalism. B. Chicherin rejects the labor theory of cost believing that the cost depends on the utility of the goods to the consumer and tries to reverse Marx's position on the alienation with his own statement about the free choice of the person of such conditions that lead to the degradation of a person.

Key words: B.N. Chicherin, Karl Marx, political economy, alienation, human dignity, freedom, revolution, evolutionary path of development.

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The Perception of Marxism in the Philosophy of B.N. Chicherin by Kiryakin A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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