Sineokiy O.V. The General Culturological Characteristics of a Music Sound Recording as a System of Social Technologies and Communications

Sineokiy Oleg Vladimirovich
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Journalism, Zaporizhzhya National University
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Zhukovskogo St., 66, 696000 Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Abstract. In the present article the author studies a music sound recording as a multilevel construct in the complex system of social technologies and communications from the culturological point of view. The author reveals the social and communicative essence of the sound recording system. The author also considers the psychocommunicative features of the filophone communication as a special type of interaction in the field of entertainment. The regularities of development and the functioning of the sound recording institutions (The Record Labels) in the system of social communications are also revealed. The author analyzes the business model of musical and publishing corporations. On the basis of the systemic understanding of multichannel communications in the sphere of music sound recording, the author outlines the priorities of information strategies on promoting the phonographic releases, including the special role of PR-technology and feedback in the music business. In the result of the research the author offered an understanding of music sound recording as a complex cluster in the system of social technologies and communications where stable rules are formed, certain historical patterns appear, and the specific principles prevail. This publication presents the main results of the research carried out in the framework of the doctoral thesis on the specialty "Theory and History of Culture" (philosophical sciences, cultural studies).

Key words: music sound recording, record label, sound recording technology, phonogram, sound carriers, audio-visual culture, сommunications system, sound recording industry

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The General Culturological Characteristics of a Music Sound Recording as a System of Social Technologies and Communications by Sineokiy O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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