Ivanova A.A. Gender Peculiarities of Matrimonial Behavior of Youth in the City of Astrakhan

Ivanova Anna Alekseevna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Sociology, Astrakhan State University
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Tatishcheva St., 20а, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the gender features of matrimonial behavior of young people. The study deals with the empirical measurement of marriage and family behavior of today's youth through four main operational concepts: the attitude of students to marriage, gender aims and stereotypes of today's youth in the distribution of family responsibilities, reproductive purposes of today's youth, young people's attitudes to divorce. The factor analysis was conducted to determine the basic models of gender notions of a perfect husband and a perfect wife. The most common type of an ideal husband and an ideal wife was identified. The gender imbalance in the distribution of family responsibilities was analyzed. It is revealed that the modern Russian family continues to evolve, it is not traditionally patriarchal, and in a growing number of families the equality of spouses becomes the norm. But the Russian family can not yet be attributed to the egalitarian type, as a woman with double role (deep features of the Soviet model) still retains its status in the consciousness and behavior of young people.

Key words: marriage and family behavior, patriarchal family model, egalitarian family model, pilot study, empirical measurement, gender peculiarities, type of a perfect husband, type of a perfect wife.

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Gender Peculiarities of Matrimonial Behavior of Youth in the City of Astrakhan by Ivanova A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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