Makarova N.V., Dmitriev R.V. Resource Approach to the Administration of the Social Welfare Institutions at the Regional Level of the Russian Federation: History and Modernity

Makarova Nadezhda Vasilyevna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Law, Cheboksary Branch of Russian State Social University
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Khuzangaya St., 20, 428027 Cheboksary, Russian Federation

Dmitriev Roman Vyacheslavovich

Teacher, Department of Social Work and Social Law, Cheboksary Branch of Russian State Social University
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Khuzangaya St., 20, 428027 Cheboksary, Russian Federation

Abstract. Due to the introduction of market relations in modern Russia, the approaches to the organization of institutional activity, their management and resource provision have changed significantly, and the role of the person in the production has increased. The evaluation of staff as the main resource of institution and the features of their management in a new environment caused the transition from the concept of "staff management" to the term "personnel management", and then to "human resources management". The modern institutions of social profile which implement the state policy on social protection of the population, are in need of human capital – the potential allowing to successfully develop and realize the corporate strategy as well as to perform institutional functions. This is reflected in the educational requirements and professional standards of social services. The modern system of managing the personnel and the quality of social institutions activity includes a continuous system of staff recruitment, placement, training and development in combination with the promotion and motivation. The article considers the peculiarities of using the human resources in the social institutions of modern Russia, gives their characteristics, analyzes the practical aspects of the transition to the modern system of personnel management and identifies the directions of the change of approach to the situation.

Key words: human resources, management, personnel, human capital, social institution, management process, quality, system.

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Resource Approach to the Administration of the Social Welfare Institutions at the Regional Level of the Russian Federation: History and Modernity by Makarova N.V., Dmitriev R.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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