Strizoe A.L. Philosophical Education and New Forms of Presentation of Philosophical Knowledge in Modern Society


Aleksander L. Strizoe
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article shows the interrelation of sociocultural and worldview problems of modern globalizing and informatized "risk society", as well as the problem of self-determination in it for a person with philosophical knowledge. The necessity of searching for new forms of presentation of philosophical knowledge in modern society, taking into account human needs in self-realization and self-affirmation, is revealed. The purpose of such a presentation is philosophical enlightenment not only for students, but also for various audiences. The special role in professional education and personal development of students of the solution of problems of formation of critical and reflective thinking, as well as philosophical comprehension of meaning-in-life problems of a person is emphasized. It is pointed out that the idea of reflection is widely used in the scientific concepts of reflexive management and reflexive modernization. It is suggested that philosophical knowledge, along with psychological knowledge, can be used for individual personal counselling. The author notes the growing need of professional communities for comprehensive socio-humanitarian expertise of projects and programs being developed. It is noted that modern applicants and students face a number of didactic difficulties that hinder the development of personality and the acquisition of professional philosophical, social and humanitarian education. The article presents suggestions for adapting junior year students to the peculiarities of philosophical education. The author draws attention to the fact that solving new tasks of philosophical enlightenment and education requires changes in the philosophical community itself: the formation of research teams of philosophers and social scientists to solve large-scale theoretical and sociotechnological problems, the integration of philosophers into interdisciplinary scientific teams, the formation of a new generation of philosophers capable of supporting and developing the traditions of national schools and trends.
Key words: "risk society", philosophy, philosophical education, critical thinking, reflection, meaning-in-life human problems, students' adaptation to the peculiarities of education.

Citation. Strizoe A.L. Philosophical Education and New Forms of Presentation of Philosophical Knowledge in Modern Society. Logos et Praxis, 2024, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 53-60. (in Russian). DOI:

Philosophical Education and New Forms of Presentation of Philosophical Knowledge in Modern Society by Strizoe A.L. is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 

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