Filimonova O.F. Strategies of Attention in the Culture of Modern Society


Olga F. Filimonova
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology, Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Saratov Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
Michurina St, 92, 410028 Saratov, Russian Federation
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Abstract. Introduction. The article discusses the relevance of the attention factor in modern society and culture. Significant aspects of the topic are analyzed within the framework of social and philosophical comprehension. Attention is considered a multifaceted phenomenon endowed with the maximum dense target concentration. Theoretical analysis. Special strategies of attention metaphorically displayed by the two types of "techniques" designated as "a fronte" and "a tergo" are described. The procedure of understanding attention as "harking" is highlighted as the basis, which reveals it as a multifaceted phenomenon at the point of contraction of man and world. The thesis that the "a fronte" technique is carried out in the logic of the strategy of "attention to oneself" as an appeal into oneself is substantiated. Logically, it is revealed in multidimensional mental acts of attraction of the semantic horizon of things and events, thereby paving the way to high-order meanings. The "a tergo" technique moves along the line of expansion outward under the condition of internal controllability. Semantically, it signals the positive essence and high meaningfulness of the one's strategy and, in social and cultural terms, sensitive involvement of the person in the world event despite alienation and insensitivity. Conclusion. It is shown that the fullness of this experience is achieved due to the fact that the strategies of the "a fronte" and "a tergo" techniques are combined, communicating in different modalities of attitude to being – events and interactions that are experienced and thought. In the spiritual and anthropological context, it is shown that attention is not only an indicative reflex but also an internal basis that is not connected with observation strategies in the form of pure machinery of external perception. The deficit of attention increases the inanity of forms and the absence of existential completeness of human life. The culture (resource) of the person's attention becomes a "fulcrum" in the elaboration of the semantic orders of being and a dynamic principle of its growth.
Key words: attention, sociality, culture, resources, spirituality, meaning.

Citation. Filimonova O.F. Strategies of Attention in the Culture of Modern Society. Logos et Praxis, 2024, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 24-30. (in Russian). DOI:

Strategies of Attention in the Culture of Modern Society by Filimonova O.F. is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 

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