Artamonova Ya.S. Social Media Technologies in the Political Socialization of Students


Yaroslavna S. Artamonova
Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Social Relations, Advertising and Public Relations, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
Aviamotornaya St, 8a, 111024 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article reveals the role of social media and modern communication technologies influencing process of political socialization of students who is an actor of innovation in society. The political socialization of students is influenced by historical events, widespread political values, and political system. It is shown that during periods of social change political norms and values are blurred, the influence of previously dominant agents and mechanisms of political socialization (families, schools, education systems) decreases, new agents of political socialization of students (reference groups, bloggers, Internet communities) come to the fore. The main tool of political socialization of students is mediated communication through social media. The influence of traditional media on young people is decreasing while at the same time the influence exerted by social media is growing. Social media itself acts as a technology for promoting various ideas including political ones. Specific types of youth involvement in politics such as online contact and direct participation are considered. The technologies of social media influence on the political socialization of young people are described that allow fragmenting the public sphere ("filter bubbles", "echo chambers", "information bunkers") forming clip consciousness which does not contribute to the reflection and holistic perception of the political picture in the world. It is emphasized that the most active participants of online communities are students who easily pick up trends and images. There are no structures in modern social networks that guarantee the minority qualitatively equal access to the advisory function of public sphere. The article shows the role of expert communities in politics, social management and influence on youth. It is noted that the expert community as a self-organizing disordered system has the property of dissipativity. The functions of the expert community are analytical, communicative, educational, predictive, ideological, innovative. The technologies of the agenda and creation of thematic groups and communities in social media are considered, political trends in thematic groups and communities are highlighted. The majority determines the agenda. There is no censorship and strict moderation political discussions. Participation transmits from offline to online sphere.
Key words: social media, social media technologies, political socialization, political values, student youth, expert community.

Citation. Artamonova Ya.S. Social Media Technologies in the Political Socialization of Students. Logos et Praxis, 2023, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 81-93. (in Russian). DOI:

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Social Media Technologies in the Political Socialization of Students by Artamonova Ya.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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