Neretina S.S. An Act as the Energy and Intention of an Gesture


Svetlana S. Neretina
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Goncharnaya St, 12, Bld. 1, 109240 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The Middle Ages staged a grand experiment, showing in Revelation the clash of creative principles: divine and human, respectively real and actual. The given and the proclamation of the world generated а question of how to think inside this given. There has never been such a challenge before. A special logic of turning (tropology) was needed, which was able to recognize the actual world as a phenomenon of the hidden world, but communicated a powerful energy of searching for connections with it, possible through analogies, symbols, allegories. The release of creative energy through the word made it possible to discover the effectiveness of the Word. The emphasis of medieval Christianity on the energy of the Word, unfolded from reality and communed with it, assumed both an analysis of the good, the source of which was the sacred reality, and an analysis of evil, which consisted in worldly, profane actuality and left a sad mark in history, which still represents the Christian Middle Ages as a dark era. In medieval Christianity, energy was expressed through action-an act, force and intention, contributing to the understanding of any creative possibilities and abilities outgoing from the Creator of the world or created man. God the Creator is an unknown reality, the only true Thing (Res) that the world knows about in the image and likeness of created things and on the basis of evidence preserved in language. Thanks to such phenomena, the most important of which is the Epiphany, it became possible to build arguments in favor of the existence of God. The reality revealed in the actual world is evidenced by such states of human subjectivity as oblivion, i. e. the state of memory of that other event that lies behind the invisible beginning, visions, the ability to think, speak, listen, and perform actions (gestures). In any such accomplishment, the procedures for its execution continue to operate, not only what is actualized, but also the actualization itself. The idea of a gesture is considered as an intensely intuitive, internal action, a moral response to an act. The energy of making is concentrated in it, revealing both the theoretical significance of the judgment, and the intention and action of the subject as an actor of this judgment. Man is not only active by the status of a created being, but is also capable of self-construction, of changing himself, together possessing subjectivity and substantiality (substantia subiecta).
Key words: act, force, intention, oblivion, gesture, predestination, reality, reality.

Citation. Neretina S.S. An Act as the Energy and Intention of an Gesture. Logos et Praxis, 2022, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 33-44. (in Russian). DOI:

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An Act as the Energy and Intention of an Gesture by Neretina S.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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