Ten Yu.P. Overcoming of Intercultural Communication As a Way to Achieve Mutual Understanding in the Global Socio-Economic System

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2021.4.8

Yulia P. Ten
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Innovation, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Prosp. Leningradsky, 49, 125993 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The relevance of the research consists in suggestion that overcoming the cultural barriers is the effective way to achieving the mutual understanding among the subjects of international economic relations in the context of changes in the world under the influence of globalization processes. In the emerging global economy, the most difficult barriers to mutual understanding are cultural differences between peoples. The purpose of the study is to generalize foreign experience in understanding the issues of minimizing barriers between subjects of international communications. The purpose of the study determined the specifics of the choice of the methodology of cognition of the research topic: the author turns to the study of foreign academic literature. The idea is substantiated that the need for communication between subjects of international economic relations appears when the subject of interaction realizes the limitations of his resources and interacts with another communicator in order to fill in the missing resource. Intercultural communication is presented as a type of purposeful and self-organizing communicative interaction, the type-forming feature of which is a shortage of intersubjectively shared resources arising from the fact that communicants belong to different socio-cultural systems. If different subjects of communication can learn to overcome cross-cultural barriers, then this can lead to reaching a new, higher level of cultural development of modern civilization. It is revealed that most of the studies of Western scientists are focused on analyzing the degree of difference between Western and non-Western cultures in order to develop an understanding of how to manage non-Western cultures more effectively in the context of business interactions. Hence, a model of educational intercultural competence is being developed in science, the mastery of which will allow managers to overcome communication barriers more flexibly and effectively. Western scientists propose mainly models for overcoming cross-cultural barriers in international communications, based on the recognition that the cultures of non-Western countries should be transformed under the influence of globalization (in particular, the digitalization of socioeconomic life). Hence, the concept of a "global community" is being formed, whose representatives will gradually master the generally significant system of verbal and nonverbal codes of the global (network, digital) socioeconomic system. The necessity of developing a scientific discussion on the development of a universal model of intercultural communication, which will minimize the barriers that prevent the most effective mutual understanding between the subjects of international economic relations, taking into account their cultural differences, is substantiated.

Key words: globalization, globalization of economy, intercultural communication, barriers of intercultural communication, intercultural competence.

Citation. Ten Yu.P. Overcoming of Intercultural Communication As a Way to Achieve Mutual Understanding in the Global Socio-Economic System. Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 66-74. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2021.4.8

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