Kopaneva V.A. The Role of Hermeneutics in the Mechanism of Social Recognition

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2021.4.2

Valeriya A. Kopaneva
Candidate for a Degree, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article attempts to consider hermeneutics in a special capacity – as a mechanism that allows for the exercise and receipt of social recognition. The presence of recognition as part of interpretation points to a certain order of interaction between these processes, namely, cyclical, according to the principle of the hermeneutic circle: recognition begets hermeneutics, and hermeneutics begets recognition. The impulse to hermeneutics arises in the interpreter because of the assumption that there are ideas in the text that are hidden from him and that need to be extracted with the help of special technologies. When the meaning of the text is discovered, it needs to be evaluated, which is projected onto the text itself and thus turns into recognition. The interpreter has such resources as the source text and the context as benchmarks of truth. The article considers the main stages at which the algorithm of hermeneutics cannot fully function without the mechanism of recognition. Hypothesis verification implies the recognition of the fact that in the text itself or in the context there are traces of true meaning, which can be checked, or reliable facts, which can be relied upon. In the stages of synthesizing and creating a hermeneutic product, the interpreter must share the value of recognition, for if such interpretation is made at all, it is in order to present it to another. Thus, the interpreter is interested in potential recognition.

Key words: recognition, interpretation, hermeneutics, understanding, hermeneutical circle.

Citation. Kopaneva V.A. The Role of Hermeneutics in the Mechanism of Social Recognition. Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 15-20. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2021.4.2

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