Solovуova S.V. Apology As a Burden of Philosophy


Svetlana V. Solovyova

Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Samara State Transport University
Svobody St, 2V, 443011 Samara, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The subject of problematization is the historical forms of the apology of philosophy. Apology as a search for self-justification has accompanied philosophy since its appearance. Philosophy as a form of knowledge, fundamental experience has created many models of thought: μεταφυσική, philosophia ancilla theologiae, die Transzendentalphilosophie, kritik der zynischen Vernunft, philosophical practice, etc. The article substantiates the idea that self justification is the burden and fate of philosophy, while in the history of thought, different "paradigms of philosophizing" have formed their own models of apology addressed to different "addressees". The critical and constructivist methodology applied to the analysis of the subject of research convincingly shows that any movement of philosophy towards legitimizing its own constructs of being, reality, knowledge leads to its apology. In Antiquity, the place of unfolding the apology (justification) of a philosophical case became a judicial instance, and the form of execution was a rhetorical utterance. Medieval apologia acquires the structure of "apologetics" (defense), and the place of its creation and the addressee is a religious institution. After the end of the scientific revolution and the strengthening of universities, the apology of philosophy was made in the face of science, and its form was a reflection of the contribution of philosophy to the study of scientific reason. Since the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, the understanding of the role of philosophy and its apology takes place in the system of "division of labor", or the social structure of professions. The apology of philosophy is made in the following forms: the study of the "context of justification" in scientific knowledge, the institutionalization of "philosophical practice" in universities, the examination and legitimization of the ethical experience of forgiveness, the protection of hostages of resentment and victimization. The ranking of contemporary philosophical experience generates a variety of forms of its apology.

Key words: apology, defense, justification, philosophy, philosopher, profession, university.

Citation. Solovуova S.V. Apology As a Burden of Philosophy. Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 5-14. (in Russian). DOI:

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