Shirokalova G.S. From Effect to Affect and Back... (Reflections on the Book: Russian Society in Self-Isolation. Social Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Text] : Monograph / N. Kh. Gafiatulina, V. V. Kasyanov, P. S. Samygin, S. I. Samygin


Galina S. Shirokalova
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Professor, Volga Branch of Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kholodny Lane, 4, 603000 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Leading Researcher, International Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory for the Study of World and Regional Social Processes, Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Minina St, 31a, 603155 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
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Abstract. There was no more pressing topic than the reaction of the Russian community to the events around COVID-19 for scientific research in 2020. The researchers chose the only correct methodological message under the given conditions: under the conditions of the pandemic, the problems that are characteristic of modern Western European / Russian civilization and in conditions of relative stability have worsened, accelerated, and aggravated. This made it possible to attract the potential of both domestic and foreign publications of a sufficiently large time range to explain social processes. The work is based on a systematic approach, as the most adequate to the study of the COVID-19 threat to the social immunity of Russian society. At the time of writing the monograph and studying the problem, no one foresaw the threat of the second or third waves, relying on the experience of China, which managed to localize the pandemic in 76 days. Since then, psychological fatigue from the threat of infection has turned into protests against both lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations. The dynamics of social processes expands the subject of research, confirms the correctness of the question about the choice of guidelines for the future development of mankind. New technologies for controlling large masses of people, which are being developed in the context of a pandemic, allow us to solve the problems of further structuring society. The book was published in the summer of 2020, and the months that have passed since then allow readers to assess the heuristic and predictive potential not only of the authors of the monograph, but also of those whose works they attracted to analyze the situation. In our opinion, the researchers correctly assessed the social risks of strengthening the patterns that were formed even before the pandemic, including those associated with restriction.
Key words: COVID-19, pandemic, human rights, social behavior, crime, Russia, Europe.

Citation. Shirokalova G.S. From Effect to Affect and Back... (Reflections on the Book: Russian Society in Self-Isolation. Social Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Text] : Monograph / N. Kh. Gafiatulina, V. V. Kasyanov, P. S. Samygin, S. I. Samygin ; ed. by M. A. Vaskov. – Moscow : RUSAYNS, 2020. – 178 p.). Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 154-161. (in Russian). DOI:

Creative Commons License
From Effect to Affect and Back... (Reflections on the Book: Russian Society in Self-Isolation. Social Effects and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Text] : Monograph / N. Kh. Gafiatulina, V. V. Kasyanov, P. S. Samygin, S. I. Samygin ; ed. by M. A. Vaskov. – Moscow : RUSAYNS, 2020. – 178 p.) by Shirokalova G.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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