Velikiy P.P. Contradictions in the Conservation and Development of the Social Resources of the Village

Peter P. Velikiy
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Social Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Territories, Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moskovskaya St, 94, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation
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Abstract. When the quantity and quality of material and social resources are discussed, the question always arises, why are such proportions formed, and not others? Prolonged inattention to the central problems of the village leads to the fact that it is experiencing a crisis of creation. The article analyzes the dominant meanings of the purpose of the agrarian system of society, which determine the priorities of its development, from the position of the social philosophy of understanding contradictions and on the facts of self-movement of the Russian village and agricultural production. The agrosphere contains deep contradictions, primarily in the state of social resources – the intellectual, spiritual, moral, and professional potential of the village, contrary to the victorious realities about the success of the agro-industrial complex. The institutionalization and practices of including the population in independent management over the past decades have resulted in a fragmented system, in which the leading place is occupied by large structures that perform not only positive, but also destructive creation in the country. The author gives two examples of the way of life of a peasant family with a time lag of 150 years and reflects on the problems of labor overload of agricultural workers. The article reveals the specifics of the main contradictions in understanding the current situation, highlights the elements of each side that have the potential for assimilation. The author states the existence of contradictions between the dominance of large organizations of the divisional type within the fragmented economic structure of the village and the limited living space of peasant society. The author draws attention to the phenomenon of communication, constructed by such elements as communication, information and understanding. The article emphasizes the need to understand the situation of rural areas and the agricultural sector from the point of view of their own capabilities.
Key words: economic structure, village, living space, social resources of the village, dialectics, contradictions.

Contradictions in the Conservation and Development of the Social Resources of the Village by Velikiy P.P. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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