Sorokin O.V. Sociocultural Foundations of Embedding Examples of Deviant Behavior in the Process of Regulating Social Interactions of the Youth

Oleg V. Sorokin
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Senior Researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Fotievoy St, 6, Bld. 1, 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article analyzes the social and cultural foundations in modern society, which stimulate the embedding of examples of deviant behavior in the process of regulating social interactions in the youth environment. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the main provisions of the structural-functional school (Durkheim, Merton) is presented, the problems of functional integration of cultural elements (Sorokin), the contradictions between culture and social relations (Lapin), the interaction of cultural and social in the process of social development (Ahiezer). Special attention was paid to the correlation of social and cultural tools for regulating individual behavior (Alexander), and the consistency of social and cultural in society (Kravchenko). The author's analysis allowed to determine the main theoretical contradictions of the social mechanism of transformations of social institutions (Zaslavskaya), describe the role of macro-institutions in society (Dimans, Levicheva), and identify the impact of social uncertainty (Chuprov) and social deformations (Kudryavtsev) on society. Conclusions are made about the influence of socio-cultural conditions on the formation of deviant behavior patterns in conditions of uncertainty and the discontinuity of social interactions among young people. Social and cultural grounds determine the nature and direction of regulation of social interactions in society and the predominance of patterns of acceptable, normative or deviating from generally accepted norms of behavior in the mechanism of regulation. The mismatch of cultural and social grounds, as one of the key causes of this phenomenon, is studied from the positions of classical and modern sociological concepts. This discrepancy leads to an increase in illegal practices among young people. The above-mentioned processes of mismatch are accompanied by: dysfunction of macroinstitutions; deformation of the mechanism of normative regulation; reinterpretation of normative patterns in the social reality of young people; giving them a new, deviant meaning. The consequence of these processes is the formation of hybrid forms of regulation of social interactions in the youth environment, when normative patterns coexist with patterns of deviant behavior in the social reality of youth.
Key words: culture, social interactions, sociocultural regulation, deviant behavior, youth, patterns of deviant behavior, youth consciousness.

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