Bocharova E.V. Strategic Priorities of Improving the Professional Competency of Workers of Agriculture

Elena V. Bocharova
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Senior Researcher, Fellow of Laboratory of Social Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Territories, Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moskovskaya St, 94, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation,
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Abstract. In the context of increasing competitiveness, the relevance of justifying strategic priorities for improving the professional competencies of employees of the Russian agro-industrial complex is significantly increasing. There is a need to develop proposals for the formation, implementation and control of strategic management based on the proposed priorities. Research methodology based on data from the 26 waves of "Russian monitoring of economic situation and population health, (RLMS-HSE)", and also on materials of Federal state statistics service of the Russian Federation. This document systematizes Russian and foreign methodological approaches to the study of professional competencies of agricultural workers. The article substantiates the need to apply a competence-based approach in the field of strategic personnel management in the agricultural sector of the economy. The modern approach to assessing professional competencies is based on the need to identify various factors that affect the content of employees' work and improve the efficiency of the work performed. This approach will allow us to develop recommendations for the formation, implementation and development of a mechanism for improving the professional competencies of workers in agriculture in the Russian Federation. Agriculture is still an economic sector that employs many low-skilled workers. Proposals are needed for the formation, implementation and control of strategic personnel management in the agricultural sector of the economy. The main priorities for the development of professional competencies of industry employees were determined based on the analysis of state programs for personnel support. The main directions are: modernization of the entire system of training and retraining of agricultural workers, participation of individuals in the process of continuing education using the existing potential of state and public institutions, creating comfortable working conditions, as well as improving the system of material and non-material incentives for personnel. Federal and regional authorities, as well as enterprise management, can use the theoretical and methodological conclusions of this article when developing a strategy for staffing agriculture. The practical significance of this work lies in this.
Key words: competency, worker, agriculture, competitiveness, knowledge, skills, ability.

Strategic Priorities of Improving the Professional Competency of Workers of Agriculture by Bocharova E.V. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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