Belikova E.O. Tolerance as a Value in the Socio-Cultural Landscape of the Region

Ekaterina O. Belikova
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Technology, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The paper analyzes Russian and foreign experience in studying the problems of interethnic and interreligious tolerance. Special attention is paid to the essence of the sociological approach to the concept of "tolerance". Different approaches to this term by domestic and foreign scientists make it possible to determine the multidimensionality of this concept and differentiate it by the problem principle, highlighting the social, interethnic, interreligious, gender, cultural components, which are associated with political, ethnic and cultural spheres of social interaction. The author focuses on the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of interethnic and interreligious tolerance, involving the coordinated application of modern methods of sociology, social psychology and philosophy. The article deals with interethnic and interreligious tolerance as a social value, which serves as a strategy of interaction in a multicultural region (on the example of the Volgograd region). This strategy can not only prevent the development of conflicts on ethno-religious basis, but also become a consolidating idea of interaction of different social communities. The article also analyzes the results of the study of the level of tolerance in the Volgograd region within the framework of the scientific project of 2019 "Preservation and transmission of regional values as a condition of modernization of the sociocultural landscape of the modern Russian region", which is devoted to the study of different aspects of life of the Volgograd region residents. The standard method "Sociocultural landscape of the region", developed by a group of sociologists of Volgograd State University under the guidance of the author of the article, was used as the fundamental one. Based on the data from the formalized interview with residents of the region, the specifics of the Volgograd region as an integral sociocultural landscape in the context of the sociocultural space of Russia are analyzed. Special attention in the study is paid to the level of tolerance of the population to representatives of other nationalities and religions. The author concludes that joint conflict-free and tolerant attitude towards each other can become a new value in the region under study.
Key words: sociocultural landscape, tolerance, interethnic interaction, tolerance, worth.

Tolerance as a Value in the Socio-Cultural Landscape of the Region by Belikova E.O. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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