Ustyuzhanina D.A. I am Online, Therefore I Exist. New Media as a Sphere of Users’ Social Creativity

Darya A. Ustyuzhanina
Candidate for a Degree, Senior Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Literary Studies, Siberian Federal University
Prosp. Svovdny, 82a, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
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Abstract. This paper examines the social and creative practices of new media users, identifies their varieties from the point of view of the product and subject of this activity, analyzes their nature through the characteristics of the properties of the online space and through the prism of ideas about the network society. Creativity, in general, is considered in the context of the communicative approach, according to which the creative act involves not only the creation of a new, never-before-seen but also is realized when its result is included in the social context. In addition, social creativity is defined as an activity aimed at transforming social space, the product of which can be new practices, norms, values, and organizational forms of individuals. Ideas about the systemforming role of information and communication technologies in the structure of modern society allow M. Castells and J. van Dijk to characterize it as a network, whose members are included in many communities (including virtual ones) and discourses. Participation in mediated horizontal communications requires individuals to be socially active and creative. The environment of the global information network, its variability and novelty motivate the user to engage in social and creative practices. The work proposes a classification of the latter on two grounds: in terms of the subject, we can talk about individual and collective practices, in terms of the creativity result, practices are allocated to aimed at the production of digital artifacts, the implementation of socially-active activities or the creation of social samples. The author concludes that participation in creative practices allows the users to realize social and communicative needs and, ultimately, to declare their existence in the virtual world.
Key words: new media, social creativity, network society, virtuality, interactive communication.

I am Online, Therefore I Exist. New Media as a Sphere of Users’ Social Creativity by Ustyuzhanina D.A. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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