Kostin P.A. Philosophy of Responsibility in Mastering the Integrity of Social Life

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2020.1.5
Petr A. Kostin
Senior Lecturer, Department of History and Philosophy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Stremyanny Lane, 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The author connects the demand for social and philosophical research of the responsibility phenomenon with the need to strengthen the processes of self-identification, due to the decrease in the influence of the value and cultural space of modern society on the individual. The article substantiates the position on the irreducibility of the content of the responsibility category only to its ethical content due to the wider range of its social functions and socio-project potential. It is emphasized that in the space of social relations and their structures, the necessary condition for maintaining the influence of the moral and value world on organizational and technological processes is the development of relations between a person and society based on the relationship of responsibility. For this reason, the importance of a fundamental sociophilosophical study of the content of the responsibility category is associated in the article with overcoming the one-sidedness and incompleteness of its study in certain areas of social relations – medicine, business ethics, law, pedagogy, ecology – and identifying its integrative and project meanings as a factor of sustainable functioning and development of society. Revealing a number of historical and philosophical approaches to the analysis of responsibility, the author shows the connection of this category with the category of "freedom" both in its personal (existentialism of J.-P. Sartre) and transpersonal (representative of the philosophy of the Russian Diaspora S.A. Levitsky) dimensions. However, historical and philosophical experience testifies to the similarity of different methodological positions, which are determined by the fact that the content of the responsibility category reveals the forms of finding the personal meaning of life. The directions of philosophical searches of the XX century also point to the need to take into account, through the perspective of responsibility, the diversity of possibilities in different social circumstances and the understanding that only one of them will be realized. The disclosure of the meaning of responsibility as a norm of intersubjective interaction, in which the interests and needs of society are manifested, indicates its multidimensional nature and differences in the manifestation of the activities of individual and collective subjects of responsibility. Proceeding from this, it is shown that responsibility can be represented as a complex hierarchical system in which the levels that characterize it at the level of general and specific, as well as systemic and specialized knowledge are organically linked. Specifying the working model of connections that reveal the socio-philosophical content of responsibility, the author identifies a number of categories: general theory (society, person, state, social institution, nation, family, etc.); philosophy of Economics (property, labor, production, money, etc.); ethics (justice, conscience, duty, etc.); philosophy of religion and religious studies (God, fate, faith, sin, etc.); axiology (values). Based on the research, it is concluded that the socio-philosophical study of the category "responsibility" is promising, linking its philosophical, ethical and specifically scientific aspects, which is important for the theoretical and practical development of the human dimension and the morally-oriented development of modern society.
Key words: philosophy of responsibility, modern world, riskogenic challenges, integrity, social existence.

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