Kostiuk A.A. Creativity as a Form of Creation of Information Epoch

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.4.11

Alisa A. Kostiuk

Lecturer, Department of the History of Philosophy and Culture, Voronezh State University
University Sq., 1, 394018 Voronezh, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the categories "creativity" and "creativity" in the context of modern society. The main resource in the modern era is the knowledge of the individual, his ability to creative activity. In turn, the increasing role of knowledge and information leads to an emphasis on the creative nature of activities, which are now associated with the process of individual self-realization and the study of favorable conditions for creativity. The author explores the process of transformation of creative activity, which involves the problem of simulations and determines the nature and content of this activity. The problem of simulative creativity turns into an alienation of creativity as a special way of human existence. In a simulated reality of the information society, the author characterizes a new form of creativity with the term "creativity". The study of existing approaches to the distinction between creativity and creativity leads to the definition of creativity as a form of creativity of the modern information age. The content of the concept of "creativity" corresponds to the conditions of modern society where the transformation of creative activity takes place. Creativity is a kind of "response" to the "challenge" of the information society regarding creativity. The information age opens up wide scope for creative self-realization but at the same time it sets the task for a person to form certain methods, which he could use to actualize himself as a creative person that meets the needs of the era. The new "challenge" of society is, according to the author, the return of the process of determining importance in creative activity, because focus on results turns into a depreciation of the process. A "response" to this "challenge" will mean a transition from creativity to creativity at a higher level, which is possible in the context of addressing the concept of "active life".

Key words: creativity, creation, alienation, creative class, "challenge-response" concept.


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Creativity as a Form of Creation of Information Epoch by Kostiuk A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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