Boguslavsky M.V., Ladyzhets N.S., Neborskiy E.V., Sannikova O.V. Universal Transformations of Managed Strategies for Transition to the Status of a Transitional University


Mikhail V. Boguslavsky

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education

Zhukovsky St., 16, 105062 Moscow, Russian Federation

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Natalya S. Ladyzhets

Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Udmurt State University

Universitetskaya St., 1, 426034 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

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Egor V. Neborskiy

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Pirogovskaya M. St., 1, Bld. 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

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Olga V. Sannikova

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Udmurt State University

Universitetskaya St., 1, 426034 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The world is changing rapidly. New realities become the subject of conceptualization, established theoretical concepts give way to new emerging constructs. In particular, the authors have previously refined the concepts of "transit university" and "transitive university". In the context of global, national and regional challenges for the transition of a regional transit university to the status of a transitive university, the position of the university leadership on creating an innovative university ecosystem as a driver for the development of the region becomes fundamentally significant. Accordingly, the purpose of the study was to clarify the resources and direction of changes in the internal university management of a regional university, necessary to ensure its transitivity. Universal transformations of managerial strategies for transition to the status of a transitive university are considered through the prism of modern global, national and regional challenges. The article analyzes the need for diversification of educational national and regional systems against the background of universalization of requirements for higher education institutions of international rating agencies. In particular, attention is drawn to the fact that in the transition to the status of a transitive university, the diversification strategy also receives an internal component, represented by the need to find a balance between traditional academic values and the values of market competition; between global and local awareness of opportunities for attracting students and teachers; between preferences in providing hard- and soft skills. It also substantiates the importance of developing strategies for the constancy of transformation and the formation of a strong managerial core. The persistence of the interface between adaptive and proactive changes in the internal and foreign policies of the university administration is seen as an everyday strategic task that does not have unambiguous tactical decisions and is complicated by the existing gaps in the competencies of the heads of Russian and foreign universities. We consider the resources of transformational changes associated with the need for comprehensive digitalization of the university, with the development of a digital format of work in administration, the organization of educational and research processes as a new reality of university management, with the transition to working with big data; and also – formats for collegial interaction in creating innovative university ecosystems.

Key words: university management, transition strategies, transit university, transitive university, regional university, digital university, university innovation ecosystem.

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Universal Transformations of Managed Strategies for Transition to the Status of a Transitional University by Boguslavsky M.V., Ladyzhets N.S., Neborskiy E.V., Sannikova O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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