Ilynykh S.A. Life-World of Metropolis: Specifics of Gender Perception


Svetlana A. Ilynykh

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Professor, Head of Department of Sociology,Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

Kamenskaya St., 52, 630099 Novosibirsk

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Abstract. The article discusses the view of a metropolis, due to the formation of metropolis identity. This identity is associated with a complex of sociocultural, socio-psychological processes, including the process of socialization in a big city. In a metropolis, patriarchal stereotypes are manifested to a lesser extent than in small cities, which contribute to a more rigid consolidation of gender roles. There is a smoothing of the gender aspects of consciousness. This situation is due to the fact that, on the one hand, the socialization of residents of megacities, as well as residents of other territories, occurs within the framework of gender culture. But, on the other hand, residents of megacities in everyday life are much more likely to encounter practices that go beyond the framework of the traditional socio-gender system. The paper provides empirical examples illustrating the characteristics of a metropolitan identity. Gender smoothing is taking place when evaluating the activities of educational and cultural institutions. Approximately equal shares of men and women assess the activities of educational and cultural institutions as high-level work. The low -level work of educational and cultural institutions is also estimated by men and women in approximately equal proportions. The results of the study show that men living in megacities stand in solidarity with women in their assessments. This may indicate that men and women are equally involved in raising children, which reflects the process of smoothing out gender stereotypes. No gender differences were also found when studying respondents' assessments of certain aspects of the social sphere. It is shown that the gender aspects of consciousness remain when assessing the sphere of health care. Significant differences in assessments of health care institutions exist when studying the question of satisfaction with the quality of state medical services, the availability of medical care and the work of ambulances. It is concluded that the smoothing of the gender aspects of consciousness is caused not only by personal characteristics but also by the individual living in a big city.

Key words: megalopolis, megalopolis identity, gender aspects of consciousness, education, culture, healthcare.

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Life-World of Metropolis: Specifics of Gender Perception by Ilynykh S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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