Danakari L.R. Intuitive Cognition as a Specific Phenomenon of Philosophy: Grounds and Features

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.3.17

Lily R. Danakari
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and General Legal Disciplines, Volgograd Branch of Moscow Financial and Law University
Bakhturova St., 25G, 400031 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article raises the problem of intuition as a specific phenomenon of epistemology. The author emphasizes the direct nature of intuitive cognition implying the presence of a minimum of preliminary reasoning, the lack of scientific rigor in interpretations and an independent attitude to conclusions and evidence. Intuitive cognition differs from rational cognition in its spontaneity, self-evidence. The advantage of intuition is to overcome the well-known, familiar in solving problems, the possibility of expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Intuitive knowledge as a representation of an object in its totality can be unconscious. Intuition allows us to "grasp" reality, to see its fluidity and variability. Discovery by intuition is unexpected. There are often times when all hope on solving the problem is lost. As a result of intuitive activity there is a complete and qualitative change of previous ideas, new knowledge appears, a different picture of the world is formed. Active use of intuition is mainly stipulated by the high level of intelligence of the scientist, his professionalism. The possibility of intuitive insight is greatly enhanced if the researcher is highly qualified. As a result of research the author succeeded to reveal that intuition is specific for searches and "insights", and results have an unexpected character. Intuition as a form of cognition is unique in its dynamism. It is the result of the unity of sensuous and rational knowledge. A special condition for the emergence of intuitive "insight" is the presence of a situation of continuous search. It is important not just to state the problem, but also to persevere towards the goal, careful and scrupulous research, the desire not to stop working even in case of failures. In the scientific world there is always a variety of opinions and positions. According to the results, we can conclude that intuition is one of the important epistemological factors contributing to the continuous expansion of the entire space of knowledge about nature, society, man and his thinking. It is the integration of all types and structures of cognitive activity including various forms of intuition, that gives fruitful results, helps the scientist to achieve his goal.
Key words: intuitive cognition, authentic knowledge, intellectual knowledge, discernment of truth, spatial intuition, immediate evidence, prompt, creative imagination.

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Intuitive Cognition as a Specific Phenomenon of Philosophy: Grounds and Features by Danakari L.R. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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