Didkovskaya Ya.V., Trynov D.V. Politically Active Youth: Strategies of Political Participation in the Context of the Social Future Image

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.3.10

Yana V. Didkovskaya
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Sociology and Technology of Public and Municipal Administration, Ural Federal University
Mira St., 19, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
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Dmitriy V. Trynov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Technology of Public and Municipal Administration, Ural Federal University
Mira St., 19, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The research focuses on a certain aspect of political activity of young people – the image of the social future. The target sector is young people who actively manifest themselves in the social and political sphere: pro-government and opposition-minded groups of young people. The image of the social future is considered as one of the key components of the social well-being of young people reflecting their ideals and expectations. At the same time, the choice of the strategy of active political involvement of young people is analyzed through the prism of subjective states – mood, well-being, expectations. Two groups of respondents took part in the survey: activists of pro-government organizations, as well as regional youth parliaments, governments, youth public chambers (n = 300); representatives of modern youth protest, primarily volunteers of the "Progress party" and "Libertarian party" (n = 300). Ccomparing the images of the desired and expected future of politically active youth, a mismatch between their social ideals and the expected direction of events in the future was revealed. It mainly concerns the prospects for economic development and is much more pronounced among opposition activists. For opposition youth, the contradiction between the desired and expected future, in addition to the dissonance in economic development, affects the sphere of legal relations: an important landmark is a humanistic society tolerant of minorities, and the most likely expected event is the restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The imbalance between social ideals and social expectations causes pessimistic attitudes among young people and dissatisfaction with the current situation in various spheres of life. Such circumstances of the choice of the strategy of political participation as orientation to the social ideal, ideological and political identification, readiness for conflict behavior are revealed. All of them simultaneously act as watershed lines between groups of pro-government and opposition activists. The image of the social future determines the choice of the strategy of political participation implemented by young people. "Active adaptation", more typical for a group of pro-government youth, involves the use of the mechanisms proposed by the authorities to engage them in politics. The "activist-protest" strategy is implemented by opposition-minded youth, its important indicator is the willingness to go to conflict in various life situations. As a forecast, the authors put forward the following thesis: with the declining level of social well-being, among politically active youth, the number of transitions from state-approved forms of political participation to protest ones will increase.
Key words: political activism, image of social future, social expectations, political socialization of youth, protest moods, political participation, strategies of political participation.

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Politically Active Youth: Strategies of Political Participation in the Context of the Social Future Image by Didkovskaya Ya.V., Trynov D.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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