Kalashnikova N.A. Promotion of Socially Responsible Behavior Patterns as an Element of Social Responsibility Institutionalization

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.3.7

Nina A. Kalashnikova
Сandidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Philisophy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The study of moral and ethical grounds for socially responsible behavior of representatives of business community and NGOs in Volgograd showed that the predominant importance in the implementation of socially responsible activities for the designated category of citizens have ethically colored individual motives. However, due to these motives, informal initiative cannot completely replace the institutionally organized (systemic) forms of social responsibility, the problem of the lack of which in the region is quite acute. Public dissemination of samples of socially responsible behavior in order to consolidate them in the mass consciousness and transform them into sustainable practices, a certain kind of propaganda (in the narrow sense of the word), will create a systemically organized, institutionalized environment for the implementation of socially responsible behavior. Business structures will be involved in the described environment in appropriate cases. In addition, the institutionalization of social responsibility, through standardization, will become a "resource-saving technology" for organizations implementing a variety of socially oriented programs, allowing to avoid spending extra effort on the "invention" of individual forms of implementation of socially responsible behavior, and distracting from the form, focus on the content. In the future, the institutionalization of social responsibility will help to create the basis for constructive dialogue between government, business and civil society on the basis of increasing self-reflexivity of each of the subjects of social interaction, understanding fully its active role in respect of social and economic change and responsibility for chosen strategy and its implications. Promotion of models of socially responsible behavior, based primarily on moral and ethical grounds, will contribute to the gradual development and improvement of public relations in the region. Media and social networks serve as channels and platforms for broadcasting samples of socially responsible behavior. The means of broadcasting include advertising, socially significant actions of various scales. The transformation of social responsibility into a trend will change the thinking of both the initiators of socially oriented activities in the face of the heads of organizations and its addressees.
Key words: socially responsible behavior, institutionalization of social responsibility, promotion of social responsibility, advertising, critical thinking, political culture, business community

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Promotion of Socially Responsible Behavior Patterns as an Element of Social Responsibility Institutionalization by Kalashnikova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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