Gorina T.S. Subjects and Addressees of Social Responsibility (On the Example of Organizations of Volgograd)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.3.6

Tatyana S. Gorina
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The study is based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews of 15 heads of commercial and non-profit organizations in Volgograd. To process the data obtained during the interview, the method of network thematic analysis was used. The study showed that the socially responsible activities of commercial organizations and NGOs of Volgograd is often defined by relationships between people rather than by relations between companies, which is one of the reasons that encourages actors to personal participation in socially responsible activities and helps to strengthen the positive impact of corporate social responsibility on the society. The moral aspect of these relationships (friendship, trust, care, support, etc.) as the most important component of social capital contributes to the development of socially responsible behavior. The involvement of subjects in socially responsible activities is also influenced by the current social and economic situation in Volgograd. Respondents assign a regulatory role to the state as a subject of social responsibility; they believe that it can act as an initiator of social projects, as well as contribute to the expansion of corporate social responsibility, creating conditions for business development. Representatives of Volgograd organizations help those whose problems, difficulties are clear, cause sympathy due to the personal experience of the subject, personal observations. An important criterion for choosing the recipients of social responsibility is the place of residence of its subjects (help their city, district, take care of the well-being of the local community in the territory of the company's presence). The social responsibility of organizations in Volgograd is determined by goals and motives that go beyond economic expediency (gratitude, pride, duty, loyalty, justice, love for people, etc.). At the same time, the scale of assistance depends, according to respondents, on the availability of free financial resources, which can no longer be spent on business development, employee compensation, personal needs.
Key words: socially responsible activity, corporate social responsibility, subjects of social responsibility, addressees of social responsibility, social capital.

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Subjects and Addressees of Social Responsibility (On the Example of Organizations of Volgograd) by Gorina T.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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