Starikova M.M. Housing Identification of Citizens as a Reflection of Housing Inequality (Based on Three Cities of Kirov Region)


Maria M. Starikova
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Sociology and Philosophy, Vyatka State University
Moskovskaya St., 36, 610000 Kirov, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The subject of discussion in the article is housing inequality in a region on the example of cities in Kirov region. The author analyzes the content components of housing inequality, environmental and personal resources that promote and impede the preservation and improvement of housing status. The empirical base of the study was the results of a semi-formalized survey of citizens and expert interviews with realtors conducted in summer 2018 in three cities of Kirov region: Kirov, Vyatskiye Polyany and Kirovo-Chepetsk. The housing "portraits" of citizens are presented, the specificity of the housing plans, practices and self-identification of residents of regional and district cities is analyzed. The empirical study leads to the conclusion that the housing mentality of citizens is characterized by "healthy optimism" and relatively low demands, since the majority of respondents, even against the background of modest opportunities and a "bunch" of housing problems, highly appreciate the quality of their housing and are generally satisfied with its condition. Housing mobility of citizens is mainly reduced to movements within the same housing class. Radical improvements at the expense of available resources can afford only a few, although the population is increasingly using borrowed funds for the arrangement.

Key words: housing identification, housing stock, housing infrastructure, stratification, city, social inequality, deprivation.

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Housing Identification of Citizens as a Reflection of Housing Inequality (Based on Three Cities of Kirov Region) by Starikova M.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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