Baranovsky N.A. Social Prevention of Sociopathic Phenomena in the System of Antideviant Policy


Nikolai A. Baranovsky
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Surganova St., 1/2, 220072 Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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Annotation. In modern conditions of the systemic transformation of the Belarusian society, which is developing very slowly and contradictory, despite the steady trend of reducing crime, drunkenness, drug addiction and other negative social deviations, the problem of preventing and combating antisocial phenomena continues to be complex and cause serious public concern. In this regard, the relevance and social significance of empirical studies of antisocial phenomena, their dynamics, the specifics of distribution and determination, the study of the current national legislation and social practice of the state criminological and other antideviant policies are growing. Problems of prevention and counteraction to anti-social phenomena have long attracted the attention of criminologists, sociologists, culturologists, teachers, psychologists and other researchers. However, each historical period of time brings many new circumstances that have an impact on the sociopathic situation. In addition, the persistently high level of antisocial behavior in society in different socio-demographic groups of the population indicates the presence of obvious gaps in the scientific knowledge of this problem, especially in the field of genesis and determination of negative social deviations as well as the lack of effectiveness of the forms and methods of preventive work of social actors, such as law enforcement and other public administration bodies, the family as a social institution, public associations, etc. The author carries out theoretical and applied design of an innovative system of social prevention of antisocial phenomena based on the analysis of statistical data and sociological research. It includes a set of general, special and individual measures of social, victimological and sociopathic, socio-reintegration and legal preventive activities that should be systematically implemented at the social, situational, personality-deviant, personality-victim and personality-socio-interactive levels of social subjectivity. The researcher pays special attention to the state, dynamics and peculiarities of the etiology of the alcohol and drug situation in the country. The authors propose a set of specific social and practical measures to improve the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction which have a negative impact on the sustainable development of modern Belarusian society.

Key words: crime, drunkenness, drug abuse, antisocial phenomena, system of social prevention of antisocial phenomena, antideviant policy

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Social Prevention of Sociopathic Phenomena in the System of Antideviant Policy by Baranovsky N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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