Kobylkin R.A. Transformation of Value Positions in the Youth Attitude of to Work: A Philosophical Analysis .

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.1.4

Roman A. Kobylkin
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation

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Abstract. Most representatives of the modern youth demonstrate formed clip thinking characterized by a loss of skills to analyze, discourse, set logical connections. This not only affects the process of learning and obtaining professional knowledge, but also expresses a change in the attitude to work as one of the most important values against the background of a significant increase in the value of leisure. The transformation of values due to the influence of external factors such as television, Internet, radio, media on consciousness is obvious. The bulk of the media clip thinking is the youth facing serious difficulties in introducing serious creative work and the creation of new values. At present the structure and types of differences in employment are undergoing epoch-making changes. They are expressed in the mixture of traditional and modern trends, the emergence of new forms of work (freelance, downshifting, etc.), as well as in the formation of new trends in the attitude to work. New values such as "success", "pleasure", "power" are formed on the basis of cultural changes in the youth environment. The value paradigm formed in the youth environment under the influence of mass culture in the conditions of the information revolution has become an expression of new needs in the transformation of social reality. Under these conditions, the study of trends in the youth's value attitudes to work is of great theoretical and practical importance. The theoretical basis of this article is grounded on the works of A. Mole, E. Toffler, D. bell, E. Fromm, G. Marcuse, G. McLuhan. Their research papers reflect the changes that began to occur in society in the second half of the XX century and had an impact on the change of value orientations of young people. In our country, these changes were manifested in the generation of the nineties and noughties, and the representatives of this generation are the carriers of new values associated with the consequences of the information revolution.

Key words: clip thinking, post-industrial society, labor, freelance, downshifting, intellectual labor, values.


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