Buzskiy M.P. Informational Space and Its Subjective Basis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.1.3

Marat P. Buzskiy
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article discusses the problem of determining the information space of modern society. Considering modern interpretations of this space, the author notes the widespread approach of describing the properties of this space from the information itself contesting the relationship between the past and the present, their interaction in modern society. Trying to solve the problem we consider the constant function of the social system, i.e. the formation of its specific historical integrity in the form of the universality of the subject - a special property of the system itself expressing the achieved level of social relations of society, forming goals, defining guidelines and patterns of behavior, as well as features of consciousness and ideas of people of this society. The article deals with the peculiarities of four historical forms of universality of the subject – myth, religion, activity and information, their interaction with the social system and personality (social subjects). From this point of view the author believes that the modern information space does not reveal its real subjective potential and should be considered as a formation, since the social system itself and its subject are historically only at the beginning of its existence. The conceptual basis of the article lies in the identification of a special objective regularity – the dialectical interaction of the social system and its subject form generated by the system – a historically reproducing permanent mechanism, which, however, changes its content along with the development of society. The main function of the universality of the subject is to present or express the most common systemic quality as a kind of objective goal of society and at the same time to determine the main direction and nature of socio-spiritual and practical interactions of people in a particular historical era. Thus this subject acts as a special intermediary between specific individuals and the social system. It expresses some general quality of system structures or orders arising in different epochs objectively arising in society. Therefore, the information society and its space are not autonomous in relation to the past, but express the modern stage of this process – the formation of objective conditions of the system stability on the basis of accelerating dynamics of information processes and interactions. And the basis of these conditions, their concentrated manifestation is the universality of the subject in its information "objectification".

Key words: universality of the subject, the system of society, myth, religion, activity, information space.

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Informational Space and Its Subjective Basis by Buzskiy M.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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