Zudilina N.V. Influence of the Meanings of the Greek Сoncept of “ρετή” on the Meanings of the Latin Concept of “Virtus” as One of the Reasons for the Polysemanticity of the Concept of “Virtual” in the XX–XXI centuries.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2019.1.1

Nadezhda V. Zudilina
Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of the Philosophy of Social and Humanitarian Profile, Taurida Academy, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Prosp. Akademika Vernadskogo, 4, 295007 Simferopol, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The author considers how the influence of the meanings of the Greek concept " semantics of the Latin concept "virtus" could cause the concept of "virtual" acquire such meanings as "being something in essence, real" (and not formally); "actual, real". One of the Greek words translated into Latin as "virtus" in antiquity and the Middle Ages, was the word ρετή" and the philosophical (first of all,ρετή". As a result of such a translation, the meanings of the word "" ρετή" enriched the meanings of the concept "virtus". It is most likely thatPlatonic) meanings of the concept of " the first meaning of the concept of "virtual", that is, "being something in essence, really" (and not formally), comes from the meaning "in essence" of the English word "virtually", connected with one of the aspects of Plato's ρετή as the essence of a thing (Greek "ούσία", Latin "essentia").ρετή" – interpretations of " Probably, the concept "virtual" acquired the meaning of " factual, real " through the the mediation of the word "virtually" (in its meaning "in fact, factually"), from the word "actually", which, on the one hand, means " in fact, indeed, really", and on the other, is used as a synonym for "virtually". It is possible that the occurrence of meanings "factual, real" of the concept "virtual" has been reinforced by the connection of the word "virtus" and its derivatives with the above mentioned "Platonic" meaning of the concept of "virtual", that is the meaning "being something in essence", which is in some respects close to the meaning "factual, real". ρετή, virtue, courage, power, semantics.

Key words: virtual, virtus, ἀρετὴ, virtue, courage, power, semantics.

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Influence of the Meanings of the Greek Сoncept of “ρετή” on the Meanings of the Latin Concept of “Virtus” as One of the Reasons for the Polysemanticity of the Concept of “Virtual” in the XX–XXI centuries. by Zudilina N.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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