Boyko N.L. Content-Targeted Structuring of Social Activity on the Internet


Natalia L. Boyko

Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology, NASU
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Shovkovichna St. 12, 01024 Kiev, Ukraine

Abstract. The article presents the results of a monitoring study of social activity on the Internet. Monitoring of the development and use of the Internet in modern society shows an active growth in the number of users of the World Wide Web. The total number of Internet users is growing dynamically together with the intensity of network use. The high intensity of Internet use, as well as the predominantly "home" use of the network, allows us to increase overall online activity, to improve the quality and versatility of such activity. There are significant qualitative changes in the use of the Internet. Network users demonstrate an active and diverse response to any social processes that occur in society and in the world. They actively use the Internet to obtain diverse social information. Online activity related to the use of the network to express their thoughts and suggestions on various social issues is also recorded. The Internet is also used to contact with government and public structures; to support specific social events that are initiated by users on the Internet, etc.Thus, it can be stated that the online activity of users covers a rather extensive content-targeted field of citizens' social activity. Nowadays, online activity acquires stability, repeatability, mass character inherent in social practices. As a result of the study, factor analysis allowed to identify the following components of online activity: cognitive-informational, emotional-communicative and effective-behavioral, reflecting the features of the meaningful and targeted structuring of social activity on the Internet. The study demonstrated the stability, repeatability, mass character, and the stable nature of the functioning of the selected components (factors) throughout the study period. It also witnessed the presence of leading online activities mediated by the space-time continuum.

Key words: the Internet, online activity, social activity, social actions, social interactions, Internet practices.

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Content-Targeted Structuring of Social Activity on the Internet by Boyko N.L. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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