Nikolenko N.A., Serova Ya.I. Modern Market Social Services: the Experience of Regional Studies


Nataliya A. Nikolenko

Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor of Department of Sociology, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Yana I. Serova
Candidate for a Degree, Department of Sociology
Chief Specialist of Department for Organizational and Information-Analytical Work, Center for Development and Quality Control, Committee for Population's Social Protection in the Volgograd Region
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Novorossiyskaya St., 41, 400087 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The study investigates the changes taking place in the domestic market of social services expressed in the appearance of "new players" in the form of socially oriented non-profit organizations (SO NPO) within its field in addition to public institutions for social protection and social services of the population. The authors identify the advantages and disadvantages of SO NGO compared to government organizations and social services, describe the processes of shadow economy expansion to the social services market and formation of regional "quasi-markets". The empirical part of the article is based on the data of two studies conducted in the form of indepth interviews. First, with experts on "Practices of interaction and prospects of cooperation between NPO and government organizations of social services in the Volgograd region", N = 52 (27 representatives of the public sector, 25 representatives of NPO, January-March 2018). Then with recipients of social services from government organizations and clients of SO NPO on the theme "Availability and quality of paid and free social services provided in the Volgograd region for retiring aged women" N = 46, 60 years and older (21 people-clients of SO NPO, 25 people-recipients of social services. services, October 2017 – January 2018). The analysis of these in-depth interviews with experts allowed to draw the following conclusions. There is a duplication of functions of the organizations of public and non-public sectors providing social services to the population. The activities of modern SO NPO operating in the social services market contain innovative and commercial components. The expansion of the "platform" of the social services market does not yet lead to full competition between organizations, encouraging them to constantly improve the quality of services. The analysis of in-depth interviews with recipients of social services from government organizations and customers of SO NPO showed that the commercialization of activities of SO NPO does not make social services more accessible to those who are in need of them. There is the necessity of changes in the way social services are being provided in the Volgograd region as they do not meet the needs of women of retirement age, do not take into account their level of income and material well-being.

Key words: social services, social services market, third age, retirement age, "third age" women, commercialization of social services, socially oriented non-profit organizations, government organizations of social services.

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Modern Market Social Services: the Experience of Regional Studies by Nikolenko N.A., Serova Ya.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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