Mulik A.B. Regional Specificity of Social and Criminal Tensions in the Russian Federation


Aleksandr B. Mulik

Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Chief Researcher, Director of Research and Education Center for Physiology and Homeostasis, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Modern concepts of the environment impact on the biological and social status of human populations tend to focus on identifying persistent interracial differences in global geographical scales. Practically there is no knowledge about the mechanisms of the influence of the natural and anthropogenic environment of local territories on the behavioral characteristics of the population residing within their borders, including those causing the development of social and criminal tensions in society. The purpose of the study was to perform a comparative analysis of the severity of the standard indicators of social and criminal tensions in the regions of the Russian Federation taking into account the specific local territorial combinations of physical and geographical parameters of the human environment. At the first, theoretical stage of work, we formed a block of physics and geographical indicators of environmental quality and specified a list of indicators of social and criminal tensions in the territories endowed with a relatively typical set of discrete combinations of environmental factors characteristic of the Russian Federation. At the second stage of the survey, 1,471 people, men and women aged 18-28 years old, indigenous inhabitants of model regions of Russia were surveyed about the presence, degree and specificity of the manifestation of aggressiveness in their behavior as a factor in the development of social and criminal tensions in society. We assessed the degree of pro-sociality of respondents as well as the intensity of standard indicators of frustration, irritation and resentment. Our results obtained by the complex of studies performed indicate the possible influence on the formation of the social status of the population community, the northern latitude and eastern longitude of the place of residence, the level of the average annual temperature and longitude of the day in the winter season as well as the comfort of the human environment. Thus, systemic account of regional factors of the human environment can provide forecasting of the specifics and severity of the risk of social and criminal tensions in the society.

Key words: social tension, criminal tension, social status of the population of the Russian regions, human environment, physical and geographical parameters of the environment.

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Regional Specificity of Social and Criminal Tensions in the Russian Federation by Mulik A.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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