Kuzmina E.A. Prospects of Implementing the Technology of Including Elderly People in Socializing Graduates of Orphanages

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2018.2.12

Elena A. Kuzmina
Postgraduate Student, Assistant of Department of Social Work and Pedagogy, Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The increase of life expectancy in the Russian Federation contributes to the expansion of the field of theoretical and empirical studies of the problems of elderly people. The interest is stipulated by the fact that the processes of socialization and re-socialization of the actors of this age group were at a change of ideology, economic relations, values, which can explain the behavioral characteristics of elderly people (a tendency to save, caution, prudence, anxiety, fear for the future), which often cause ridicule and misunderstanding on the part of other age groups. Consequently, people of the "third age" find themselves in social isolation, which exacerbates their economic, social, psychological, domestic and other problems. The article proposes to consider the problems of people of the "third age" and the technology of interaction between the elderly and young people. The generation of people of the "third age" has enormous experience and unique knowledge, which may not be used enough in the social practice and institutional system of the Russian Federation. The author substantiates the need to introduce an innovative model that ensures the successful secondary socialization of elderly people through their participation in the socialization of graduates of orphanages. Despite the existing measures of social support from the state, the majority of elderly people feel social loneliness. Low level of social activity, incompetence in solving economic, political, housing issues can cause additional crises of social and personal development. The paper pays special attention to the study of the experience of cohabitation of students and third-aged citizens at the territory of social rehabilitation centers in America. A comparative analysis of the state of stationary social service institutions in Russia, Europe and America is given. Testing of the technology of cohabitation of third-aged persons and students from among the former inmates of children's homes on the Russian soil is possible only under the condition of complete transformation of stationary institutions of social service of elderly citizens. Prospects of introduction of this technology in gerontological centers of the Russian Federation are defined. Integrated institutions of cohabitation will solve a number of problems: to overcome the social isolation of the elderly, to strengthen control over the activities of institutions, to optimize the socialization of children in orphanages, to reduce the cost of social support for children left without parental care, until the moment of providing them with housing.

Key words: gerontological center, orphans, intergenerational interaction, old age, resocialization, socialization, socially oriented activities, the "third age".

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