Molchanova O.I. Transmedia Thinking as a Social Phenomenon in the Conditions of Mediaconvergence


Olga  I.  Molchanova

Candidate  of  Sciences  (Pedagogy), Associate  Professor,  Department of International Relations, Medialogy, Political Science and History,

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

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Sadovaya St., 21, 191023 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article is devoted to a new concept that is only gaining popularity in connection with the transformation of the modern media sphere, the transmedia thinking. Under the influence of media convergence, the social environment changes, and this applies not only to external manifestations, but also to such subtle matter as consciousness. Universal mediation, the development of the transmedium, give grounds to predict both the positive and negative consequences that are relevant to every modern consumer. With a detailed examination of the etymology of the new word “transmedication”, the article presents the interpretation of the term “transmedia”, which in a broad sense implies the social and digital world order, is narrowly interpreted as a set of the latest chain technologies for creating and promoting content. The essence of the transmedia is that an interesting story in the everyday life of consumer becomes the basis on which new details are pinned down, details that are interesting to the multitude of people who share these stories, thereby popularizing it. More and more, the PR-specialists, advertising specialists, journalists, political scientists, politicians, marketers, etc. are increasingly using the technology as an effective technology. Mediation in this context is seen as the process of immersing a particular person into a media culture and turning it into a product of new media. The volume, multi-vector, multilayered information flows transform the model of their consumption. Introduced in the scientific revolution, the concept of transmmedication is associated with the concept of game culture, which is very popular in our time. This aspect is key in revealing new qualities of perception of the consumer under the influence of the transmedia thinking. In this article some of them as multi-receptor, imagism, gametization, interactivation, fragmentation, transcendence are described in the author's interpretation. All this gives grounds to talk about a new social phenomenon of mediation, which requires comprehensive study.

Key words: transmedia thinking, transmedia, media convergence, mediatization, transcendence.

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Transmedia Thinking as a Social Phenomenon in the Conditions of Mediaconvergence by Molchanova O.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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