Timashevа L.V. Features of Communication in Modern Family

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2017.4.12

Larisa V. Timashevа

Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Conflictology and Organizational Psychology,

Astrakhan State University

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Tatishcheva St., 20а, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to identify characteristics of the communication in full and single   parent families. The paper presents a comparative analysis of parental attitudes in situations of interaction with preschool children, the attitude of parents to children as well as the formation of communication skills of children with peers and adults. It was found out that children from full families are characterized by high levels of sociability, in single-parent families these indicators are much smaller, and every third shows a low level of sociability. Most of the children from single-parent families discovered low levels of truthfulness in communication, attentiveness to partners in dialogue. They do not show interest in activities of peers, seek to interact with them, communicating demonstrate insecure behavior, try not to show their emotions. The level of active speech development is lower than in children from full families. It was also underlined that in both full and single-parent families relations between parents and children are friendly. However single parents communicating with their children often express irritation and severity seeking to boost its development. The emotional distance with a child in a single-parent family is greater than in a full family dominated by the style of relations “strong parent-weak child”. In more than half of parents in single-parent families showed authoritarian hypersocialization and excessive care as the predominant type of attitude towards children which they try to compensate for the absence of a second parent. Only a third of parents try to be on equal terms with the child, encourage his initiative and independence. The predominant type of the parental relation to children in two-parent families is cooperation.

Key words: model family, single-parent family, communication skills, communication, full family, parental attitudes, parenting styles.

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Features of Communication in Modern Family by Timashevа L.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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